Two sisters create a fragrant memory.
Rauschgold is our fragrance homage to Nuremberg:
Introducing the luxurious Rauschgold Eau de Parfum, a captivating fragrance that evokes the essence of gold and an airy chord, light as angel wings. This exquisite scent features the intoxicating notes of Angel's trumpets in Gothic Surprise, alongside fragrant red carnation flowers and candied orange peel, all created in the medieval perfume making style. Complemented by the woody aroma of green woods and the sweetness of the almond tree, this fragrance is truly a masterpiece.
Fragrance story:
An early middle age city counts on narrow winding streets. Old buildings give off the scent of history. Secrets may be discovered, directly behind some corners. And a not too small collection of old stories, lived lives and often told legends buzzes around.
In winter, especially at Christmas time, Nuremberg is festively decorated and magically sparkling. The famous Christkindlesmarkt attracts visitors with the wonderful scents of roasted almonds, fir branches, gingerbread and cookies.
Inspired by the traditional Nuremberg Christmas tree decoration, the `Rauschgoldenengel`, we have created a heavenly-earthly scent that stands for faith in the good, light as angel wings.
When we say the angels are in the city - that's the way it is, we would never lie on that point.
Rauschgold is a co-working project, a fragrant work of art that comes from the heart, because the two sisters Manuela and Barbara love their native city of Nuremberg dearly. While Manuela Pfannes-Völkel created the perfume, the label is showing an open-air installation by Barbara Engelhard.
Eau de Parfum 30ml, refillable spray bottle
Feel joyful with that charming fragrance. A touch of gold, delicious candied orange peel and mystic elegant angel trumpets mix up perfect to create a green harmony with nuty sweet almond tree.
Die mittelalterliche bayerische Stadt Nünberg verbirgt in ihren verwinkelten Gassen viele Geheimnisse. Der Höhepunkt dieser einzigartigen, mystisch-traditionellen Stimmung erlebt man dort in der Weihnachtszeit, wenn alle Häuser und der (älteste deutsche) Weihnachtsmarkt geschmückt sind, magisch funkeln und es nach gebrannten Mandeln, Tannengrün, Stollen und Plätzchen duftet. Inspiriert vom traditionellen Nürnberger Christbaumschmuck, dem Rauschgoldenegel, entstand ein unbeschwerter Duft, der für den Glauben an das Gute steht, leicht wie Engelsflügel. Die deutsche Marke ist (noch) ein Geheimtipp unter Duftliebhaber:innen, setzt gerne auf ungewöhnliche Inhaltsstoffe und selbst entwickelte Aromen-Mischungen. So enthält das Eau de Parfum etwa Engelstrompeten, wunderschöne, pastellfarbene Blüten, die schon durch das Anfassen halluzinogen wirken können. (Aber keine Angst, außer dem Duft-Trip selbst, erlebt ihr damit keine weiteren Highs). Rote Nelkenblüten, kandierte Orangenschale, grüne Hölzer, süße Mandeln sowie Essenzen von Blattgold und eine besonders luftige Moschuskombination runden die funkelnde Kreation ab.
Sascha Taha Sarmast, Très Click
Rauschgold Eau de Parfum
Gold and an airy chord, light as angel wings
Angel's trumpets in Gothic Surprise (a specially created note in full bloom, medieval perfume making style), red carnation flowers and candied orange peel
Green woods and sweet almond tree
You should know: Angel's trumpets are highly toxic, even smelling the plant can have hallucinogenic and toxic effects.
This fragrance is safe, don't worry, apart from the scent trip itself, you won't experience any other highs. We create our Daturabase in a safe way.